Sunday, 15 August 2010

Dad's Horrendous Hawaiiain Shirt: A Case For The Fashion Police

Omg! My dad must have the worst fashion sense in the entire world!

It's a joke.

I didn't think it could get any worse after the other day when he wore a yellow t-shirt team with yellow checked shorts, but oh my it got waaaay worse today!

Yes, when strolling down the local seafront, he happened to meet some surfers on a market stall and they devilishly convinced him to part with five of his precious English pounds on a Hawaiian shirt.

I know you may think I'm being dramatic, but I'm really not. This thing is absolutely hideous. It's made out of material that is just a bit thicker than paper and is the most disgusting shade of blue. Also, it actually looks like a tent on him as he has the kind of figure that is all beer belly and no legs.

It really is tragic.

Someone call the Fashion Police... A.S.A.P!!

Sunday, 8 August 2010


Okay, so seeing as I'm on a little health/fitness kick, I've been brushing up on body knowledge to try and get as healthy as I possibly can...

So I thought I share some little tips with you, just in case you want to join in too!

Today's tip is lemon!

Apparently, it helps to aide weight loss because of the acids it contains (Don't quote me- I'm no nutrionalist!), and it also helps to detoxify your body.

One of the best ways to get it into your diet is by starting the day with hot water mixed with a bit of lemon juice.

Now I've ben trying this, and I do admit that at first it's tastes quite weird, but after a few days, it definitely gets a lot better and leaves you with a nice healthy glow!

You can also try adding it to normal drink- it's especially nice with diet coke!

So yes, add a bit of lucious lemon and you may just get a tad lighter with skin that's a lot more brighter- result!

Saturday, 7 August 2010

So I might just get really skinny...

It is so easy to be skinny if you think about it.

All you have to do is eat less and jump around more.
The thing is, you have lovely (e.g. v. naughty) stuff like Cadbury's Dairy Milk and Dorritos to snatch away your beautiful beach bod before you know it!

I used to be the type who'd just diet to lose weight- denying myself simple pleasures like even having a decent meal as I was desperate to loose a few inches.

However, after I went a bit silly with it and made myself a bit ill, I am now resorting to exercise.

Thing is, I pretty much suck at it.

That is boring stuff like running and cycling. I'm just hopeless at it and just get uber bored!!

However, I have recently resorted to just walking like everywhere and doing dance DVD's, and I must say, I actually kind of love it!

The dance DVD's are really fun and I find that (as long as they have a good soundtrack) I can go the whole DVD without feeling sick to my stomach by the end.

Also, becuase you can do them at home, it only takes like 30 mins- no hassle in getting to the gym and then being perved on my weirdo men- result!

So, this means I might ACTUALLY get back into my size 8's again.

[As long as I hide the Cadbury's...]

Sunday, 1 August 2010

Can I just say...

how amazingly gorgeous Ed Westwick is... aaaaah!