Sunday, 12 December 2010

Want the cutest nails around? Try WAH Nails...

I had my friend Rebecca over last night to watch the X-Factor over a few cheeky glasses of Rosé and we were casually browsing the web when she told me to look up 'WAH Nails'.

Apparently she'd seen the company in the Oxford Street Topshop and said that it was A-MAAAZING.

Now, I'm not really a nail person, but when I saw the pictures of them, omg I nearly died they are just sooo cute!

They're quite expensive for an acrylic set at £50, but it's only £35 if you get your own nails painted and soooo worth it. Plus it'd be a great little thing to have done for christmas or your birthday.

Check out some of my favourite designs below and CLICK HERE to go to their website...

Wednesday, 8 December 2010

*Christmas Time @ Bingham*

We had a little party tonight to celebrate Christmas at my student house in Bournemouth (Bingham Road) tonight and it was a-maaaazing!

You may be thinking it is a little early for such celebrations, but Tania is off to see her boyfriend James who's working in Vietnam and Lucy and Rachael finnish Uni this week so it had to be early.

Anyway, it was a marvelous celebration with mulled wine, mince pies, party rings... the lot! And of course we HAD to do secret santa!

Unfortunately it wasn't snowing today, so it wasn't proper Christmassy, although when it snowed last week I fell straight on my bum and got concussed, so I'm not sure I wanted more snow!

Anyway, have a little look at the pictures from tonight and of the snow last week.

Seasons Greetings

Snowy Bingham!

Little trek in the snow

Me in the snow

All snugly

Our tree!

Mulled Wine!

The three wise housemates

Our angel

A 'hilarious' joke from our luxury
(£1) crackers

My advent calendar!

I'M BACK...!

Okay, so I deleted this blog for a bit, just because I reaallllly needed to concentrate on my work and other blogs, but I am BACK and ready to update regularly!

So... what's been going on?!

Well a lot really...!

First of all, I am back at Uni- just about to finnish the first term of Year 2! It's so mad how quick it's gone. But yeh, living in a lovely house in Bournemouth with 5 of my girlmates who have been AMAZING so far.

We've had lots of shenanigans going on- outage, films, Halloween and just had Christmas (pics coming soon). There's also been gigs and meals... check out the highlights below!

Uni has been going fine, but there's been ALOT of work this year- especially for our TV module which was re-diculousssss! We had to do soooo much work it was unreal! But managed to get some good material out of it so was alright in the end.

But yes, anyway, that is all for now, but I will write again soon!

Sam xxx

Our House! (When it snowed)

Me and Carla cringing at the bad cider
on Kerri's (my sister's) bday

More of the peeps on Kerri's bday

Kerri, Sasha and Me

Carla and Kerri looking larrrvely

Darwin Deez gig @ The Wedge

Me @ the Darwin Deez gig

One of my best buddies lauren and my
housemate Kirsty out clubbin @ Lollipop

Me and Kirsty on Halloween

Plan B gig @ Southampton Guildhall

Four of my gorgeous housies
(Rachel, Kirsty, Lucy and Laura)

Tania, Kirsty and Rachael on the first
Bingham night!

Sunday, 15 August 2010

Dad's Horrendous Hawaiiain Shirt: A Case For The Fashion Police

Omg! My dad must have the worst fashion sense in the entire world!

It's a joke.

I didn't think it could get any worse after the other day when he wore a yellow t-shirt team with yellow checked shorts, but oh my it got waaaay worse today!

Yes, when strolling down the local seafront, he happened to meet some surfers on a market stall and they devilishly convinced him to part with five of his precious English pounds on a Hawaiian shirt.

I know you may think I'm being dramatic, but I'm really not. This thing is absolutely hideous. It's made out of material that is just a bit thicker than paper and is the most disgusting shade of blue. Also, it actually looks like a tent on him as he has the kind of figure that is all beer belly and no legs.

It really is tragic.

Someone call the Fashion Police... A.S.A.P!!

Sunday, 8 August 2010


Okay, so seeing as I'm on a little health/fitness kick, I've been brushing up on body knowledge to try and get as healthy as I possibly can...

So I thought I share some little tips with you, just in case you want to join in too!

Today's tip is lemon!

Apparently, it helps to aide weight loss because of the acids it contains (Don't quote me- I'm no nutrionalist!), and it also helps to detoxify your body.

One of the best ways to get it into your diet is by starting the day with hot water mixed with a bit of lemon juice.

Now I've ben trying this, and I do admit that at first it's tastes quite weird, but after a few days, it definitely gets a lot better and leaves you with a nice healthy glow!

You can also try adding it to normal drink- it's especially nice with diet coke!

So yes, add a bit of lucious lemon and you may just get a tad lighter with skin that's a lot more brighter- result!

Saturday, 7 August 2010

So I might just get really skinny...

It is so easy to be skinny if you think about it.

All you have to do is eat less and jump around more.
The thing is, you have lovely (e.g. v. naughty) stuff like Cadbury's Dairy Milk and Dorritos to snatch away your beautiful beach bod before you know it!

I used to be the type who'd just diet to lose weight- denying myself simple pleasures like even having a decent meal as I was desperate to loose a few inches.

However, after I went a bit silly with it and made myself a bit ill, I am now resorting to exercise.

Thing is, I pretty much suck at it.

That is boring stuff like running and cycling. I'm just hopeless at it and just get uber bored!!

However, I have recently resorted to just walking like everywhere and doing dance DVD's, and I must say, I actually kind of love it!

The dance DVD's are really fun and I find that (as long as they have a good soundtrack) I can go the whole DVD without feeling sick to my stomach by the end.

Also, becuase you can do them at home, it only takes like 30 mins- no hassle in getting to the gym and then being perved on my weirdo men- result!

So, this means I might ACTUALLY get back into my size 8's again.

[As long as I hide the Cadbury's...]

Sunday, 1 August 2010

Can I just say...

how amazingly gorgeous Ed Westwick is... aaaaah!

Wednesday, 28 July 2010


Just a quick question...

I've started taking vitamins, just to like be more healthy and that. but they've started making me feel all quesy- is this normal? Or should I stop taking them??

Any feedback would be great!

Thank youuu xx

Sunday, 25 July 2010


Okay, so I saw this article in 'The Sun' yesterday about a Top #100 'cool' things on the planet right now and it was pretty interesting to read...

It seems Apple are set to take over the world, seeing as they took up four places in the top #20 alone- with the Iphone and Apple itself taking first and second places.

Also in the top ten was the internet (#3), Cadbury's chocolate and Sky +, so it seems we're just a nation that love gadgets and choccie, not comercialized at all then!

I mean, people only chose friends as no. 18# on the list- what's all that about? Surely your mates are more important to your life than drinking a bottle of Coca-Cola (#13)?

Anyway, it got me thinking about what is important to me and what my top ten 'cool' things are... check my list and the orignial top ten below and leave yours if you like...

My Top Ten 'Cool' Things
  1. Friends and Family
  2. The Internet
  3. Music
  4. Topshop
  5. Blogs
  6. Books
  7. Minstrels
  8. iPhone
  9. GHD's
  10. Liquid Eyeliner

Surveyed 'Cool' List
  1. Iphone
  2. Apple
  3. The Internet
  4. Aston Martin DB9
  5. Cadbury's Chocolate
  6. Sky +
  7. Ebay
  8. Mobile Phones
  9. Facebook

Saturday, 24 July 2010


Now that I ACTUALLY have my overdraft service back in use- I can spend again (hurrah!), which means buying lots of stuff (yaaay!)

So, I thought what better way to start than to buy a few pampering treats that'll get my summer bod in tip top shape than buy some luxurious spa products, and there's only one brand that really does it for me- Soap and Glory!

Yes, not only am I in love with their totally cool kitsch packaging, but the stuff also smells great and works amazingly!

I first used it when my sister got a gift set of their stuff and she gave it to me as she can't use it- and I literally fell in loove with it!

Ever since then, I've been pretty much addicted to it, but because my nasty estate agents took all my money I couldn't afford it. However, now I've got some cash back, I can actually indulge at last!

I thought I'd only be able to buy one or two products as they are pretty darn expensive with most products around the £10 mark, however I heard that Boots were doing a 3-for-2 deal on all of their stuff which meant I could get a trio of lovely products!

I first went for their 'Flake Away' body scrub as I've been sneakily using my mums and it's divine! I love it so much I bought two so that it'll last me for ages!

I then wanted to a buy their peach 'Big Butter' body butter, but it was all sold out, which left me very disappointed! Instead I went out on a whim and bought their new product 'Sit Tight' which promises to get rid of all of your cellulite whilst your sat down (I know!)

Apparently, the friction causing heat which gets your circulation flowing and burning fat! I just hope it lives up to its promises because at £14 it didn't come cheap!

The links are below for all the products I bought if anyone wants to sample these gorgeous products...

Peach Cream 'Big Butter'- was sold out :(


Never buy/use coconut suncream.


Sure, it smells delicious when you're slathering it on, but unfortunately the bees think that same too and it fools them into thinking you are a life-size ice-cream...

Not good!


Even if you're not livin' it up on the beach- go enjoy! Everyone know's The British summer's are the best (if it doesn't rain of course!).

Have a great day! x


There's nothing better than having beautiful bright nails- which is why I've just bought 6 from Saffron's Neon Range.

Head over to Ebay where you can get them for the bargainous price of £9 for the whole set!

Happy Painting! :D


Ahhh, I was just looking through some old photo albums to try and find a picture of my Great Uncle for his 80th b-day to put in a frame and came accross lots of pics of me and my sis when we were little toddlers... and I love them!

I don't know why, but I just love looking back at photos- it amazes me all the things I did when I was little that I can't even remember doing! It's also funny because I was a really cheeky toddler with gappy teeth and always smiling- so the pictures can be quite entertaining.

I like the family video's even more becuase they're actually hilarious- but unfortunately none of our VHS's in the house work :( BOO.

But yeh, it also shows me how much I love my sister. I mean, I've shared my whole life with her- there's no one that will ever come close to that! (Ahhh)

So I thought I'd share a few clasics below... :D

What a poser! (With my Uncle and Aunty)

Aged 1... wearing a MASSIVE hat!

My sister Kerri all wrapped up
and looking like an Eskimo!

Ahhh, Christmas time!

Going brunette and wearing sexy outfits! Haha

Kerri looking like a little angel as a bridesmaid!

Our first photoshoot!

Acting the fools on holiday in Turkey!